美髪のためのホームレメディ by アーユルヴェーダの名医 Dr.ディネッシュ & Dr.ディネッシュカ




・ライム汁25mlとアムラ(Phyllanthus emblica)パウダー10gを混ぜ合わせ、ペースト状にします。シャワーキャップで髪を覆い、1時間置いた後、通常の水で洗い流してください。



・フェヌグリークシード(Methi seed)15gを一晩水に浸しておきます。細かいペースト状になるまですりつぶし、髪と頭皮につけます。約30分を頭につけたままにします。通常の水で洗い流します。週に3回ほど行うと、抜け毛を抑えることができます。



・ 赤玉ねぎ25gをペースト状にして、その汁を絞ります(30ml)。これにココナッツオイル(10ml)を加え、髪全体になじませます。20分ほど放置した後、洗い流してください。



・ハイビスカスの花5~6個とハイビスカスの葉2枚、カレーリーフの葉、フェヌグリーク10g、アムラの粉(Phyllanthus emblica)10gを取り、材料をブレンドして滑らかなペーストにします。ゴマ油またはココナッツオイル10mlを加え、髪の長さ全体に塗布します。30分ほど放置した後、ぬるま湯で洗い流してください。










ドクター・コラム始まりました!【アーユルヴェーダ医師によるアーユルヴェーダ最新情報をお届けします!】アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe




ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake









Home Remedies For Healthy Hair All of us love to be beauty. As we take care of our skin color, body shape and our costumes we would like to take care of our hair too. Therefore from this article we would like to talk about some home remedies that you could practice in your day tody life to keep your hair healthier. For Hair Growth And Thickness •Mix 25ml lime juice and 10g amla powder (Phyllanthus emblica) to make a paste. Massage it into your scalp and hair. cover your hair with a shower cap and keep it for an hour and then rinse it off with normal water. •Grate coconut 30g and simmer the grated pieces in a pan for about five minutes. Strain and cool. Add one tablespoon each of crushed black pepper and Fenugreek to it. Apply to scalp and hair. After 30 minutes, rinse with a shampoo. For Control Hair Fall •Soak 15g of Methi seeds(fenugreek seed) overnight in water. Grind to a fine paste and apply to hair and scalp. Leave the paste on your head for about half an hour. Rinse it with normal water. Do it thrice a week to control hair fall. •Mix 2 tablespoons of yoghurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon. With a brush, apply this on the scalp and hair roots. Leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse in normal water. Apply once a week. For Split Hair •Make a paste 25g of red onions and squeeze out the juice(30ml). Add some coconut oil (10ml) to this and apply this through the length of your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off. •Mash the banana(75g) in a bowl, add yoghurt (15g) and honey (15ml) to it and mix well. Add almond oil (5ml) and apply it on your scalp and hair covering from root to tips. Leave the mask for 15-20 mins and then wash off. Use twice a week for best results. •Blend coconut milk(30ml), avocado(30g), honey (15ml) and a few drops of almond or sesame oil into a fine paste. Apply this on your hair and leave it in for 15-20 minutes and then wash off •Take 5-6 hibiscus flowers and 2 hibiscus leaves, curry leaf leaves, 10g fenugreek and 10g amla powder (Phyllanthus emblica) and blend the ingredients to make smooth paste. Add 10ml of sesame oil or coconut oil and apply it through the length of your hair. Leave the mask for about 30 mins and then wash off with lukewarm water. For Dandruff and itchy scalp •Soak fenugreek seeds (50g) overnight and make it into a paste and add other lime juice or yogurt 2-3 tea spoon full into the paste and apply to your scalp. Leave the paste on your scalp for 30 minutes and rinse it with an herbal shampoo. •Heat fenugreek seeds (50g) in coconut oil 30ml. Strain the oil and massage your scalp with warm fenugreek oil for almost 15-20 minutes a night before your hair wash. •Mix fresh lemon juice, olive oil and fresh ginger juice in equal quantities. Apply this mixture on your scalp roots and gently massage for a few minutes. Leave your hair for an hour and rinse it off. •Apply green gram paste (30g of green gram + 30ml water) across your scalp and leave it for 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.