アーユルヴェーダにおける健康的な食事のとり方 by アーユルヴェーダの名医 Dr.ディネッシュ & Dr.ディネッシュカ







味は、サンスクリット語で "Rasa(ラサ)"といいます。ラサは舌で感じることのできる性質で、味覚器官に触れた瞬間に感じるものです。また、アーユルヴェーダでは、アップマハブータ(水の要素)の特別な性質として説明されています。



1. マドゥーラ・ラサ(甘味)
2. アムラ・ラサ(酸味)
3. ラヴァナ・ラサ(塩味)
4. カトゥ・ラサ(辛味)
5. ティクタ・ラサ(苦味)
6. カシャーヤ・ラサ(渋味)




































ブロッコリー、アルファルファ、ニンジン、カリフラワー、アスパラガス、カブなどの野菜。クランベリー、ザクロ、梨、ドライフルーツなどの果物。豆類、レンズ豆などの豆類 ライ麦、そばなどの穀物類。ターメリックなどのスパイスやハーブ





ドクター・コラム始まりました!【アーユルヴェーダ医師によるアーユルヴェーダ最新情報をお届けします!】アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe




ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake









Taking a Healthy Diet According to Ayurveda

Food is an essential element of a healthy life. So, eat according to our own wish, not always gives right amount of nutrition that our body required. Therefore, we cannot carelessly prepare or eat our food. At the time of selecting the food, we should be concerned about our daily requirement of nutrition.

According to Ayurveda readings food is one of the three pillars of a human life. Hence, it well described about the ingredients in a nourishes food that one’s can understand easily and add them to daily diet. Because Ayurveda explained about nutrition include in a meal in a different and interesting manner.

As per the Ayurveda illustrations nutrition of food, we can be described according to its tastes. There are six tastes mentioned in Ayurveda which resemble for all nourishing elements which explained in modern science. According to that balance meal should be consists with these six tastes.

The word taste is explained by the word “Rasa” in Sanskrit language. Rasa is a quality which can be perceived by the tongue. It occurs immediately after exposure to taste organ. Also, Ayurveda has explained it as a special property of Ap Mahabhuta (Great element of Water).

Six tastes in Ayurveda

1. Madhura Rasa – Sweet taste
2. Amla Rasa – Sour taste
3. Lavana Rasa – Salty taste
4. Katu Rasa – Pungent taste
5. Tikta Rasa – Bitter taste
6. Kashaya Rasa – Astringent taste

Madhura Rasa

Madhura Rasa represents the sweet taste, and it concerns as a wholesome taste. It nourishes body fluids, blood, muscles, fat and Ojas in the body. Also, it soothes all sense organs. It helps to enhance physical and mental strength and improves life expectancy. This taste aggravates the Kapha Dosha and balances the Pitta and Vata Dosha.,

Madhura Rasa Foods; milk and milk products such as butter, ghee, and cream, most grains especially wheat, rice, corn, and barley, many legumes like beans, black gram, green gram, and lentils sweet fruits such as bananas, fig, date, melon and mangos, certain cooked vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and beets. Nuts like coconut, pumpkin seed, almond, cashew.

Amla Rasa

This represents the sour taste. It stimulates digestion and helps circulation and elimination. Sour taste energizes the body and improves enthusiasm. It strengthens the heart and pleases the mind by strengthening the sense organs. This taste aggravates the Kapha and Pitta Dosha and balances the Vata Dosha.

Amla Rasa Foods; Citrus fruits such as lemon, grapefruit, unripe raisin, tamarind, and limes. Sour milk products like yogurt, cheese, and sour cream. Vegetables such as broccoli, Capsicum, Bell pepper and tomato, Snow Peas. Fermented substances like fermented bread, vinegar, pickles, and soy sauce.

Lavana Rasa

This is the salty taste and basically it aids in digestion. It consists with water retaining quality. Therefore, it lubricates tissues and liquefies mucous membranes. It improves the flavour of food. Maintains mineral balance and aids in the elimination of wastes. It calms the nerves. Lavana rasa aggravates the Kapha and Pitta Dosha and balances the Vata Dosha.

Lavana Rasa Foods; any salt such as sea salt and rock salt. Seaweed and kelp

Katu Rasa

Katu rasa represents the pungent taste. This taste also improves the digestion and the metabolism. It has a detoxification effect. It cleanses the sinuses. Promotes sweating and blood circulation. Sharpens the sense organs. It aggravates Pitta and Vata Dosha. It balances the Kapha Dosha.

Katu Rasa Foods; vegetables such as Leeks, green radish, chili peppers, garlic, and onions. Grains like buckwheat, spelt. Spices like black pepper, ginger, Cardamom, fenu greek, clove, and cayenne. Mustard seeds.

Tikta Rasa

Tikta represents bitter taste. This is a powerful detoxifying agent. It is a good blood purifier. Consists with antibiotic, anti-parasitic, and antiseptic qualities. It stimulates the appetite and helps in reducing weight, water retention, skin rashes, fever, burning sensations and nausea. Tikta rasa aggravates the Vata Dosha and balances the Kapha and Pitta dosha.

Tikta Rasa Foods; green leafy vegetables such as spinach, and green cabbage, zucchini and eggplant, bitter gourd. Herbs and spices like turmeric, fenugreek, dandelion root. Fruits olives, dandelion, bitter melon. Coffee and cocoa containing foods, tea

Kashaya Rasa

Kashaya Rasa is the Astringent taste. It has calming, cooling, absorbing, and healing effect on the body. It dries up the moisture and causes for constipation. This taste aggravates the Vata dosha and balances the Kapha and Pitta dosha.

Kashaya Rasa Foods; vegetables such as, broccoli, alfalfa, carrot, cauliflower, asparagus, and turnip. Fruits including cranberries, pomegranates, pears, and dried fruit. Legumes such as beans and lentils. Grains such as rye, buckwheat. Spices and herbs including turmeric.