(トップ画像 出典:Exserendib Ayurveda Cure & Therapy)
アクシ・タルパナ または ネトラ・タルパナ とは?
- 目の前が暗い感じを緩和します。
- 目の硬直を緩和し、眼精疲労を予防します。
- 目の乾燥(ドライアイ)を緩和します。
- 目の疲れを防ぎます。
- まつ毛が抜けるのを防ぎます。
- 目をクリアにします。
- 結膜炎に良いです。
- 目の炎症を和らげます。
- 目の痛みや涙を和らげます。
- 目の赤みを抑えます。
- 目の視覚細胞や神経を活発化します。
- 目の筋肉を強化します。
- 白内障を予防します。
- 健康的な目の動きをサポートします。
- 暑すぎず寒すぎもない季節に行います。
- 雨が降らず、雲に覆われていない天気に行います。
- 治療は朝や夕方の時間帯に行うこともできます。
アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe
ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake
Eye care
Care your eyes you may not get them again....
Among our five senses eye is the one which gives us the sense of vision and sight. To obtain knowledge about the world and the universe it is important to have proper functioning of five senses. Among those five senses we need eyes to see the world. Without eyes we can’t see the world. We considered this as most highly developed sensory organ in the body. So, most our day today activities are dependent on our sight. And it is the eyes that protect us from danger. Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully.
Because with today’s modern lifestyle people engage with more electronic devices such as computers, laptops, smart phones during the day. These activities specially effects on the normal function of the eye.
Hence from this article we thought to discuss about the caring of our eyes.
Ayurveda texts have illustrated many methods of eye caring. Among those caring methods ‘Akshi Tarpana’ or ‘Netra Tarpana’ takes an important place.
In Sanskrit language meaning of the word ‘Akshi’ or ‘Netra’ is eye and the meaning of the word ‘Tarpana’ is Nourishment.
Thus Akshi Tarpana refers to treatment which nourishes the eye.
In this treatment, medicated herbal oil or herbal liquid pooled upon the eyes for a fixed duration of time. First the patient is asked to lie down on the treatment bed comfortably. Before filling the herbal liquid we should arrange a compartment using flour around the eyes (circular boundary with flour dough) and then the medicated liquid should be filled that compartment. Until the oil is poured into the compartments around the eyes patient should close his eyes. Then the patient should be instructed to open the eyes and to move the eye ball for several directions for a certain period. And during the treatment, patient asked to be calm and quiet. The time duration varies according to the disease condition. And this treatment should be done under an Ayurveda expert.
There are many benefits that we can obtain.
Benefits of ‘Akshi Tarpana’ treatment
- Relieves feeling of darkness in front of eyes
- Relieves rigidity in the eyes and prevent eye strain.
- Relives the dryness of the eyes
- Prevents from tiredness of the eyes
- Stops eye lashes falling down
- Clears the eyes
- Good for conjunctivitis
- Relieves from irritation of the eyes
- Relieves from pain and tearing of the eyes
- Reduce redness of the eyes
- Stimulate vision cells and nerves of the eyes
- Strengthen the eye muscles
- Prevent formation of cataract
- Supports healthy eye movements
Contra-indications of ‘Akshi Tarpana’
According great scholar Sushruta ‘Akshi Tarpana’ treatment is not good to be done neither in cloudy days nor very hot days. Also it is good to be avoided on very cold days.
Person who is mentally worried, person after physical exhaustion and with giddiness is not suitable for this treatment.
Also the people who suffer from acute fever and headache are not allowed for ‘Akshi Tarpana’
Best time for ‘Akshi Tarpana’
- This treatment should be done in a season which is neither too hot nor too cold.
- There should be no rain and not covered with clouds
- Also treatment could be conducted in the morning or in the evening time.
As mentioned in Ayurveda this is a health promoting treatment which can be experienced even though you don’t have any disease.
Ayurveda recommended experience of this treatment to ensure the eye health.
‘Be Safety,Wise To Protect Your Eyes’
Author: Dr.D&D (Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe & Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake) ...see more