健康的な体重を維持する方法 by アーユルヴェーダの名医 Dr.ディネッシュ & Dr.ディネッシュカ
























アーユルヴェーダでは、肥満は脂肪組織やメーダス・ダートゥ(メーダスは脂肪、ダートゥとは組織要素のことを言います)の増加の影響であると説明しており、「Sthoulya (ストールヤ)」と呼ばれています。


アーユルヴェーダの「Sthoulya (ストールヤ)」もしくは肥満は、筋肉や脂肪の過剰な蓄積が原因であり、臀部や腹部、胸部のたるみが見られるとされています。




- 息切れ

- 過度の喉の渇き

- 妄想

- いびき

- 疲労困憊

- 過剰な空腹感

- 過剰な発汗

- 強い体臭

- 短い呼吸

- 生殖組織の枯渇による性的能力の低下




- 運動不足

- 日中の睡眠

- 加工食品の摂取過多

- 食品の過剰摂取

- 消化に重いもの、甘いもの、冷たいもの、脂っこいものの過剰摂取

- 感情的な状況

- ストレスの欠如や過剰なストレス

- 過剰な幸福感

- 遺伝的要因

- 過度なカパ・ドーシャを増やす食べ物や動作














また、皮膚の下に蓄えられた脂肪組織を燃やすために、乾燥したパウダーを用いたマッサージ(ルークシャ ウドワルタナ)を適用することができます。





    • 毎日、朝か夕方に30分ずつ定期的な運動をしましょう。ウォーキング、ジョギング、水泳などの簡単な運動で良いです。


    • 3度の大きな食事をとるのではなく、頻繁に(1日4~5回)、小さな食事をとるようにしましょう。


    • 毎日決まった時間に食べましょう。


    • 食事の15分前にコップ1杯の水(200ml)を飲みましょう。空腹感や食欲を抑えるのに役立ちます。


    • 食物繊維を多く含む食品を食事に取り入れましょう。


    • でんぷん質を減らし、パンやパイ、ケーキなどベーカリー系のものは避けましょう。


    • ジャンクフードを避けましょう。


    • 甘い味のする飲食物を避けましょう。


    • 脂っこいものを避けましょう。


    • 一日を通してたくさんの水を飲みましょう。


    • 蜂蜜とライムを混ぜたぬるま湯を飲んで一日を始めましょう。


    • 寝る前に5gのシナモンパウダーに5mlのハチミツを混ぜて服用しましょう。夜によく眠れ、昼寝を避けられます。


ドクター・コラム始まりました!【アーユルヴェーダ医師によるアーユルヴェーダ最新情報をお届けします!】アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe




ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake











Body weight


‘I didn’t mean to gain weight. It happened by snaccident’


Body weight...


Though we not expressed to out, this is a common problem that most of us worrying about. Some are struggling to gain weight and some are struggling to reduce weight.


From the evaluation man has concerns about their body weight. And the idea about the body weight and appearance is changing according to the culture, nations and with the time. Early days people thought, having a fatty body as a good health indicator but with the time pass now people more prone to maintain a skinny body. But now we all know it is important to maintain your weight according to your height.


And in Ayurveda said for a healthy life, it is essential to keep your body weight according to your body constitution.


Hence, Ayurveda illustrated, the important of maintaining of healthy weight broadly in their chapters.


Maintaining healthy body weight is very important. Because sometime gaining weight or losing your weight can be an early symptom or a complication of a disease. There are many factors described in Ayurveda which effect for the body weight. And from this article we are going to talk about over weight.



What is overweight?


Weight that is higher than what is considered as healthy weight for a given height is known as overweight.


And Ayurveda explains overweight as the effect of increase of fat tissue or Mada Dhatu and it’s called ‘Sthoulya’.


According to the Ayurveda deffinition of ‘Sthoulya’ or overweight is due to excessive accumulation of muscles and fat in the body presents with sagging butts,abdomen and breast.


What are the clinical features of overweight according to Ayurveda?

  • Gasping for air
  • Excessive thirst
  • Delusion
  • Snoring
  • Exhaustion
  • Excess hunger
  • Excess perspiration
  • Foul body odor
  • Short breaths
  • Less sexual strength occur due to depletion of Reproductive tissue


What are the causes for over weight?

  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Sleeping at day time
  • Consuming heavily processed foods
  • Excess intake of food
  • Excess intake of heavy to digest, sweet, coolant and oily food
  • Emotional situations
  • Lack of stress and excessive stress
  • Excessive happiness
  • Genetically
  • Excessively indulge in Kapha Dosha increasing foods and activities.


Furthermore, diseases related to hormonal imbalance such as Cushing’s disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, high cholesterol levels can be caused for overweight.


And prolonged usage of steroid medicines also lead to overweight.


This is not only a symptom, there can be many consequences related to overweight.


High blood pressure, diabetes (Type 2), Heart diseases, liver diseases are some of the consequences which arise due to overweight.


How to prevent and control overweight?


There are many Ayurveda therapies described in Ayurveda text.


Mainly we have to focus on Kapha and Vata balancing treatments.


From the Panchakarma treatment administration decoction enema (Niruhana Vasti) is useful for correction of fat tissue.


Also, we can apply dry powder massages (Ruksha Udvartana ) to  burn deposited fat tissues underneath the skin.


Apart from the therapies, Ayurveda recommended diet and lifestyle changes are more effective to control your weight.


  • Engage in regular exercise schedule. Every day for half an hour for day in the morning or in the evening. It can be a simple exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming , etc..
  • Instead of having three big meals have small meals at frequent intervals. (4-5 meals per day)
  • Eat at regular times in every day
  • Drink a glass of water (200ml) fifteen minutes prior to your main meal. And it will help to reduce your hunger and appetite.
  • Include more fiber containing food in your diet.
  • Reduce starch and avoid bakery items.
  • Avoid junk foods
  • Avoid sweet tasted food and drink articles.
  • Avoid oily foods.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Start your day with a glass of warm water mixed with bee honey and lime
  • Before sleep, take 5g cinnamon powder mixed with 5ml bee honey. Sleep better at the night. And avoid day naps.



Author: Dr.D&D (Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe & Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake) ...see more