アーユルヴェーダにおける体質の特徴とおすすめのライフスタイルとは by アーユルヴェーダの名医 Dr.ディネッシュ & Dr.ディネッシュカ

































カパ体質の人は、肌の色がきれいで、輝きがあり魅力的です。髪もしっとりと強く色も濃いです。白目は白く、隅に向かってやや赤くなっています。甘いものには目がありません。また、快活で友好的で、長い間友情を保つのが得意です。 自制心が強く、目上の人には敬意を払います。寛容で包容力があるのも特徴です。肉体的には持久力も備わっているでしょう。良い精神的資質を多く持っていて、長期的な富を所有することができる体質です。






- 温かい食べ物、適度に重い食感の食べ物

- バターや脂肪を加えてもよい

- 酸っぱいもの、塩辛いもの、甘いものを選ぶ

- 温かい食べ物を摂る

- 白湯や温かい飲み物 を飲む

- ヴァータの人は、胃の中を空っぽにしないようにしましょう。1日4~5回、少量ずつ食べるのが適しています。

o 果物 - りんご(調理済み)、アボカド、バナナ、ベリー、チェリー、新鮮なナツメヤシ、新鮮なイチジク、ブドウ、キウイ、マンゴー、オレンジ、パパイヤ、桃、プラム、イチゴ

o 野菜 - アスパラガス、ビートの根、ニンジン、インゲン豆、オクラ、カボチャ、サツマイモ、ホウレンソウ



- 酸味、塩味、辛味のある食べ物を避ける

- 甘いもの、苦いもの、体を冷やすものを摂りましょう

- ピッタ体質の人は、ベジタリアンになるとよいでしょう

- サラダや生野菜はピッタリである

- ピッタの人は、熱いスパイスを避けるべきである。

o 果物 - 甘いリンゴ、甘いアプリコット、甘いベリー類、ブドウ、スイカ、ザクロ、イチジク、ナツメヤシ

o 野菜 - アスパラガス、ブロッコリー、キャベツ、カリフラワー、キュウリ、ケール、パセリ、サツマイモ、エンドウ豆



- 苦味、渋味、辛味はカパ・ドーシャの健康を増進する

- 乳製品やあらゆる種類の脂肪は避ける

- カパの人は、生野菜を食べてもいい

- 乳製品の重く、冷たく、甘い性質は避る


o 果物 - りんご、あんず、ベリー、さくらんぼ、ザクロ、梨、桃

o 野菜 - アスパラガス、アーティチョーク、ビートの根、ブロッコリー、キャベツ、カリフラワー、セロリ、ラディッシュ、インゲン豆、ケール、レタス





ドクター・コラム始まりました!【アーユルヴェーダ医師によるアーユルヴェーダ最新情報をお届けします!】アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe




ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake









Prakriti – Body Constitution

People on the earth are different. Even we belong to the same family or same nation each of us have unique features. Not only our appearance our behaviours also vary from person to person. This is the nature of human beings. This different nature of human being is known as “Prakriti” or body constitution.

The knowledge of Prakriti is very important in Ayurveda. Not only in applying medication and diagnosing diseases, but this knowledge is also important for everyone in their day-to-day life.

Actually, life becomes easy when you have a clear understanding about yourself. Because most of you may experience that all the things in the market or in the community is not suited for ourselves. The things which suit for your colleague does not suit for yourself. It could be a anything. Therefore, having a knowledge about yourself will make your life easy and joyful.

In Ayurveda when we talk about Prakriti we cannot forget about Tridosha – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which represents the biological energies of the human body. People are born with various proportions of Doshas in the body, and it decides the constitution of each individual. Our priority is decided at the time of conception takes place and it will remain until the death.

And according to Ayurveda readings genetic sequence of our parents and the deeds of our previous life are affecting to decide once Prakriti or body constitution.

There are seven Dosage Prakriti described in Ayurveda. They are mainly divided into three categories such as Eka Dosha Prakriti, Dwandvaja Prakriti and Sama Dosha Prakriti.

Eka doshaja Prakriti (single type)

  • Vataja Prakriti
  • Pittaja Prakriti
  1. Kaphaja Prakriti

Dwandaja Prakriti (dual type)

  • Vata Pittaja Prakriti
  • Pitta Kaphaja Prakriti
  1. Vata Kaphaja Prakriti

Sama Dosha Prakriti

  1. Vata Pitta Kaphaja Prakriti

Characteristic of Vata Prakriti

They are naturally short sleepers and hate coolant foods stuff and cold.  They are with unattractive body shape.They are lean tall or dwarf  with veins and bone prominent skin. Their palms and feet are dry or cracked. They have thin moustache, less nails, dry hair, low quality hair.  They have Steeling tendency, Jealousy. Ignoble and Unrespectable people. Excessively fond of music. But they are violent, Short tempered.  They Grind teeth and fearful, lack of courage. Though they violent they are more aesthetic. They are with the ability of singing,dancing,drawing and acting.  They have unstable mind and body. They can make friends. But their friendship is not strong. They are thankless people.  They talk fast and excessively. They Walk fast. Think excessively and think various aspects at a time.  They change decisions frequently.  But they are creative thinkers. They can think always out of the box with lot of new ideas.  According to Ayurveda theories they are with unsettled soul.

By following  Ayurvedic lifesty they can easily settled their unsettled soul and Ayurveda always supports them to make their health better and better.


Characteristic of Pitta person

They are with excess sweating and bad body odour.  Skin color is yellowish and their nails, eyes, tongue, lips, palms and feet are copery red color. Their skin is wrinkled. Hair becomes grey quickly and experienced with early balding .  Eat excess.  Hates hotness.  They are short tempered people but calm down quickly.  They are with medium strength and medium life expectancy.  They are intelligent, expert with sharp mind.  They try to control the argument with their words.  They have  an aura and they have brilliant personality.

Characteristic of Kapha person

Kapha constituents are with Good, shining glowing skin complexion.  They have Attractive face and body. Their hair is stable, strong, curly and deep color . their eyes are slightly red towards the corners and with White colored sclera.  They are pleasant and friendly and continue long lasting friendship.  Fond of sweets. Thankful people with good self control and they are respectful toward their superiors. Also they are courageous and have better  tolerant power.  They not greedy strong people.  Their retaining power is long. They have good mental qualities. They are belonging to long lasting wealth .


According to the proportions of each disease in our body above characteristics are appearing for us.

Once you identify your own body there are recommendations have been described in Ayurveda to add to his or her lifestyle.

For Vata Prakriti

  • Warm nourishing foods with moderately heavy texture
  • Can add butter or fat
  • Choose sour , salty and sweet tastes
  • Take warm foods
  • Hot water, warm drinks
  • Vata people should not keep the stomach empty. Eat small portions 4 to 5 times er day.
    • Fruits - Apples(cooked), Avocados, Banana, Berries, cherries, Fresh dates, resh Figs, Grapes, Kiwis, Mangoes, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Plums, trawberries
    • Vegetables - Asparagus, Beet roots, Carrots, Green beans, Okra, Pumpkin, weet potatoes, Spinach


For Pitta Prakriti

  • Avoid sour, salty and pungent tastes foods.
  • Include sweet, and bitter tastes and cooling foods.
  • Being vegetarian is best for the people who belong to Pitta constitution.
  • Salads and raw vegetables are good for Pitta.
    • Pitta people should avoid hot spices.
    • Fruits - Sweet apples, Sweet apricots, Sweet berries, Grapes, Water melon, omegranates, Figs, Dates
    • Vegetables - Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Kale, arsley, Sweet potatoes, Peas

For Kapha Prakriti

  • Bitter, astringent and pungent tastes are enhancing the health of Kapha dosha.
  • They should avoid dairy products and fats of any sort.
  • Kapha people can eat raw vegetables.
    • Avoid the heavy, cooling, sweet qualities of dairy. A little ghee for cooking and ome consumption of goat’s milk is good for Kapha types. For Kapha body types
    • Fruits - Apples, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Pomegranates, Pears, Peaches
    • Vegetables - Asparagus, Artichoke, Beet roots, Broccoli, Cabbage, auliflower, Celery, Radish, Green beans, Kale, Lettuce