- 胃酸を含んだ酸っぱいものの逆流
- 腹部のガス性の膨満感や腹部膨満感
- 消化不良
- 不規則な食欲 - ほとんどの場合は食欲不振
- 少ない食事量でお腹がいっぱいになったような感覚
- 味を感じない
- 疲労感
- 胃の灼熱感 - ほとんどが胸の灼熱感のような感覚
- 不規則な排便習慣
- 便秘や下痢
- 腰痛を伴う肩や背中のチクチク感
- 激しい灼熱感、のどの渇き、倦怠感、しびれ
- 深い眠りの喪失
- 集中力の低下
I. 相性のよくない食べ物 – 今日、ほとんどの人はハンバーガーや麺類などのジャンクフードを食べ、同時にジュースを飲みます。ほとんどのジャンクフードの組み合わせは、消化には適していません。
II. 汚染された食品
III. 酸味のもの – 知らず知らずのうちに私たちの毎日の食べ物は酸味のあるものでいっぱいになっています。
IV. 辛い食べ物
- たくさん水を飲みましょう。
- 毎日同じ時間に食事を取るようにし、食事を抜かないようにしましょう。
- 食事は少しずつ分けて、1日4〜5回にわけて食べましょう。
- 脂っこいもの、酸っぱいもの、辛いもの、炭水化物の取り過ぎは避けましょう。
- 毎日の食事に野菜や食物繊維を含む食品を増やしましょう。
- 重い食事は避けましょう。
- ジャンクフードは避けてください。
- カフェインとアルコールは避けてください。
- 断食は避けてください。
- ストレスを減らしましょう。
- ぐっすり眠りましょう。
- 深い呼吸法を実践しましょう。
- 適切なヨガのポーズを実践しましょう。
アロエベラジェル 15 ml
非加熱はちみつ 5 ml
アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe
ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake
What is this Gastritis?
Today, many of us are suffering from any kind of a digestion problem. One is Gastritis. It is a very common condition among us. And it is affecting those of all ages. In Ayurveda, this is known as “Amlapitta”.
The word ‘Amla Pitta’ derived from two words in Sanskrit. The word ‘Amla’ means acid or sour taste and the word ‘Pitta’ is referred to one of biological energies described in Ayurveda which responsible for the digestion. So, it indicates a state of increased acidity in the digestive tract. And in Ayurveda, it is a Pitta dominant disease. According to the modern describe, it is a kind of an inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach or in the mucosa.
The development of this condition can be lead to gastric ulcers. Most of the time ‘Amlapitta’ is underestimated by the patients and get used to it and live with it for many years. Because in the very beginning, it doesn’t show severe symptoms rather than loss of appetite, and abdominal distention.
Common signs and symptoms of the disease
- Regurgitation of food or sour substances
- Gaseous distension of abdomen, bloating or fullness of the abdomen
- Improper digestion
- Irregular appetite – most of the time loss of appetite
- Feeling as if stomach is full with a very little amount of food
- Tastelessness
- Tiredness
- Burning sensation in the stomach – mostly it feels like burning sensation in the chest
In chronic condition, above symptoms are associated with
- Irregular bowel habits
- Constipation or diarrhoea
- Pricking in the shoulder or back with back ache
- Severe burning sensation followed with thirst, fatigue and numbness.
- Loss of deep sleep
- Loss of concentration
Gastritis can be well treated with medication. And in its first stages, it can be treated with regulating our life style. Because, it's mainly related to our habits.
The main cause of gastritis
Hence, the main cause of gastritis is unhealthy foods. In Ayurveda its mentioned as below.
- Incompatible food – Today most of people take junk foods such as burger, noodles, etc… followed with any juice. The combinations of most our junk foods are not suit for the fine digestion.
- Polluted food – Contaminated foods
- Sour substances – Sometime, unknowingly our daily food is full of sour substances.
- Spicy foods
Along with the above, dry foods, unwholesome food and beverages, soft drinks added with preservatives, alcohol, finger chips, cause gastric irritation very easily.
Also, untimely food taking, excess consumption of meals, repeated food intake, excess intake of coffee and tea, smoking contribute in the causation.
Other causes of gastritis are stress, depression, sorrow, lack of sleep, Anger, job dissatisfaction, jealousy and other chronic diseases.
Due to the causes, we are one who invites to this troublesome disease.
How to deal with gastritis?
- Drink plenty of water.
- Take your meal on time. Same time in every day. And don’t skip your main meals.
- Arrange your meal as small portions and take it in 4 to 5 time per day.
- Avoid oily foods, sour foods, spicy foods and carbs.
- Add more vegetables and fibre containing foods to your daily diet.
- Avoid heavy meals.
- Avoid junk foods.
- Avoid caffein and alcohol.
- Avoid fasting.
- Reduce stress.
- Take a good sleep.
- Practice deep breathing exercises.
- Practice suitable yoga postures.
So please don’t ignore your symptoms. Let’s change the lifestyle and stay free from gastritis.
Home Remedy:
Aloe Vera Jell – 15 ml
Bee Honey – 5 ml
Mixed together and have it 15 minutes prior to your main meals.
This will help you to avoid Gastritis easily.
Author: Dr.D&D (Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe & Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake) ...see more