ウドワルタナの効果的な使い方と方法 by アーユルヴェーダの名医 Dr.ディネッシュ & Dr.ディネッシュカ



サンスクリット語の文献によると、「Udwarthanam」という言葉は、「Urdhawa」と「Warthanam」という2つの単語から派生したものだと言われています。「Urdhawa」は「上向き」、「Warthana」は「円運動」を意味し、「Udwarthanam」の意味は「上向きに円運動させること」です。ウドワルタナとは、アーユルヴェーダで1000年前から行われている、ハーブパウダーを使った特別なマッサージ。現代の ボディスクラブトリートメントの起源といっていいでしょう。


ウドワルタナには、2つのタイプがあります。Snigdha udwarthanam(オイルをまぜたハーブスクラブ)とRooksha udwarthanam(乾いたハーブスクラブ)です。それぞれのタイプの適応症は、症状によって異なります。



- 増悪したヴァータとカパのドーシャの鎮静

- 余分な脂肪の溶解

- 汚れやほこりを取り除く

- 肌をみずみずしくハリのある状態にして、若返りを促進

- 肌に良いツヤと顔色を与える

- 筋肉に安定感を与え、丈夫にする

- 汗を取り除き、汗による悪臭を軽減

- 体の重さを和らげる

- 眠気やだるさを取り除く

- 体中の管の流れをよくして、栄養分の循環をよくする

- 体を浄化する



- コレステロール値が高い場合や糖尿病の場合

- メタボリック症候群

- 不眠症の場合

- 神経筋疾患、筋力低下、筋ジストロフィーの場合

- 皮膚疾患の場合

- 生理不順の場合

- クッシング症候群などのホルモンバランスの乱れの改善




- 皮膚に炎症が起きている状態

- じくじくした肌の状態

- 日焼けやその他の火傷がある場合

- 傷や切り傷がある場合

- 激しい痛みがある場合

- 過度の乾燥肌の場合

- 16歳以下の子供

- 妊娠中の女性











- サンダルウッドパウダー

- ツリーターメリック・パウダー

- コクム・パウダー(ガルシニア・インディカ)

- トリファラ・パウダー

- ホースグラム・パウダー

- ミロバラン(Terminalia chebula)樹皮のパウダー

- ハイノキ(Symplocos racemosa)の樹皮のパウダー

- 岩塩

- 海塩




- 海塩の微粉末100g

- ギー 50ml

- ライムジュース 25 ml

- ぬるま湯 25ml













ドクター・コラム始まりました!【アーユルヴェーダ医師によるアーユルヴェーダ最新情報をお届けします!】アーユルヴェーダ医師ディネッシュ先生 / Dr. Dinesh Edirisinghe




ディネッシュカ先生 / Dr. Dinushka Dissanayake










Udwarthana’ or Body Scrubbing Treatment

According to the Sanskrit literature the word ‘Udwarthana’ is derived from two words ‘Urdhawa’ and ‘Warthana’. Urdhawa means upward and Warthana means circular movement.Thus the meaning of ‘Udwarthana’ is to move something in an upward circular movement. And this is a special massage has been practiced for a thousand years in Ayurveda by using herbal powders. This treatment we can compare with modern ‘scrub’ treatment.

Specially this is an important and mandatory therapy for slimming and weight reduction clinics. Not only in obesity, we can apply this therapy for many other conditions. Actually, this treatment has been described in Ayurveda as a daily life regimen.

There are two types of Udwarthana called Snigdha udwarthana (wet powder scrubbing) and Rooksha udwarthana (dry powder scrubbing)

Indication for each type is varying from condition to condition. Commonly ‘Udwarthana’ treatment is used

  • In over weight and obesity conditions
  • In high cholesterol conditions and diabetes
  • In metabolic disorders
  • In excessive drowsiness ,excessive laziness and excessive sleep
  • Also we use this in sleeplessness
  • In neuro muscular disorders, muscular weakness and in muscular dystrophy
  • In skin diseases
  • In Hormone imbalance such as in irregular periods and in  Cushing’s syndrome
  • As a beauty treatment, this is very popular especially among the female clients.

But there are some conditions where that we cannot apply this treatment. As mentioned in Ayurveda texts contra-indications for ‘Udwarthana’ treatment are

  • Inflammatory conditions in the skin
  • Oozing skin conditions
  • Presence of sun burns and other burns
  • Presence of wounds and cuts
  • Presence with severe pains
  • Excessive dry skin
  • Kids below sixteen years
  • Pregnant women


And this therapy is inclusive many benefits.

  • It helps to eliminate morbid Vata and Kapha Dosha
  • It liquefies excess fat.
  • It removes dirt and dust.
  • It gives freshness and gives glamour to your skin and promotes rejuvenation.
  • Provide good shine and complexion to the skin.
  • Also it provides stability to muscles and makes them strong.
  • It removes the sweat and reduces the foul smell due to sweating.
  • It helps to alleviate heaviness of the body.
  • Removes drowsiness.
  • Opens up the blocked channels, blood vessels and enables free circulation of nutrients.
  • Finally it cleanses the body.


Usually according to Ayurveda treatment procedure for better benefits, ‘Udwarthana’ treatment should be always followed after a ‘Snehana’(oiling )treatment.


Let the patient to lay down face up position. First herbal powder rubbed over the upper limbs from the hands upwards towards the shoulders. Rubbed the body in gentle circular movements.

In the lower limbs, the powder is stroked  the foot upwards towards the hip covering the legs, and thighs.Over the abdomen, the powder is massaged in anticlockwise direction from below upwards direction to the lower border of rib cage.

Over the chest, the powder massage should be gentle.

And over the back and neck, the powder is rubbed upwards from the sacroiliac area to the upper back and over the neck.

Herbs use for ‘Udwarthana’

  • Sandalwood powder
  • Tree turmeric powder
  • Kokum powder(garcinia indica)
  • Thripala powder
  • Horse gram powder
  • Powder of bark of Terminalia chebula tree
  • Powder of bark of Symplocos racemosa tree
  • Rock salt
  • Sea salt

Homemade Scrub For All Skin Types


·       Fine powder of sea salt I00g

·       Ghee 50 ml

·       Lime juice 25 ml

·       Warm water 25ml

Then Mixed all the above ingredients together and apply over your body. Gently massage upwards over your hands, feet, abdomen, chest, and around the neck by your own. Scrub for 20 to 30 minutes and leave it for another I0 or I5 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

*** for better benefits this is good to continue for once a week.